RESOLVE® Oxi-Action™ Pre-Treat Laundry Stain Remover - Trigger (Canada)

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RESOLVE OxiAction PreTreat Laundry Stain Remover  Trigger Canada
Laundry Stain Removers
0-62200-82685-9650 milliliters trigger bottle
This Ingredients tab shows the ingredients in this product grouped into the following categories: Active Ingredients, Intentionally Added, Fragrance Components and Non-Functional Constituents. Ingredients that appear on a Designated List are indicated by the blue symbol. Fragrance allergens included on Annex II of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No. 1223/2009 are indicated by the green symbol. Click here for more information on the Designated Lists.
Diluent: Adjusts the concentration of ingredients in a product to deliver target benefits.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 7732-18-5
Surfactant: Surface-active agent helps remove dirt, stains, and bad smells.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 68002-97-1
Surfactant: Surface-active agent helps remove dirt, stains, and bad smells.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 68584-22-5
Bleaching Agent: Makes the appearance of substances white or colorless.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 7722-84-1
Surfactant: Surface-active agent helps remove dirt, stains, and bad smells.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 68551-12-2
Hydrotrope: Prevents the separation of oil and water ingredients in a product so that the product does not have to be shaken before use.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 28348-53-0
pH Adjuster: Controls the pH level of a product to ensure stability and maximize performance.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 1310-73-2

This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists

CA Non-Cancer Hazards: Chemicals that are identified with noncancer endpoints and listed with an inhalation or oral reference exposure level by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 44360.  more info…

Complexing/Sequestering Agent: Binds hard water and other minerals to allow the cleaning actives to perform more effectively.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 144538-83-0
Fragrance: Changes the odor of a product to impart a pleasant odor or impart a pleasant fragrance in the air during or after product use.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: Fragrance
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 25265-71-8
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 2437-25-4

This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists

CA TACs : Chemicals identified as toxic air contaminants under Section 93000 or 93001 of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations.  more info…

Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 97-53-0

This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists

AOEC Asthmagens: Chemicals designated as asthmagens by the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics.  more info…

Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 97-54-1

This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists

IARC Carcinogens : Group 1, 2A, or 2B carcinogens identified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.  more info…

Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 60-12-8
Fragrance Component: A component of a fragrance oil.
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 78-69-3
Non-Functional Constituent: Non-Functional Constituent
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 7664-93-9

This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists

IARC Carcinogens : Group 1, 2A, or 2B carcinogens identified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.  more info…
CA Non-Cancer Hazards: Chemicals that are identified with noncancer endpoints and listed with an inhalation or oral reference exposure level by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 44360.  more info…
AOEC Asthmagens: Chemicals designated as asthmagens by the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics.  more info…

Non-Functional Constituent: Non-Functional Constituent
Ingredient descriptions are provided by RESOLVE®.
CAS #: 7757-82-6

This ingredient appears on one or more Designated Lists

CA Non-Cancer Hazards: Chemicals that are identified with noncancer endpoints and listed with an inhalation or oral reference exposure level by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 44360.  more info…

The list above contains the product ingredients listed in descending weight percent within each category. The ingredient names use the INCI (or equivalent) nomenclature system. Click here for more information on the nomenclature system.

Human Health



FIRST AID TREATMENT: Contains Hydrogen Peroxide and Surfactants. If swallowed, call a Poison Control Centre or doctor immediately. Do not induce vomiting. If in eyes, rinse with plenty of water. If on skin, rinse well with water. 

REMIERS SOINS: Contient du peroxyde d´hydrogène et des agents surfactants. En cas d´ingestion, appeler immédiatement un centre antipoison ou un médecin. Ne pas provoquer le vomissement. En cas de contact avec les yeux, les rincer à grande eau. En cas de contact avec lapeau, bien la rincer à l´eau. 


Usage Instructions

Directions For Use:

  1. Turn nozzle to spray position.
  2. Spray directly onto stain, soakin fabric. Rub RESOLVE® laundry stain remover into fabric, covering stain completely.
  3. Wait 1 to 5 minutes depending upon the severity of the stain. Then wash according to the care label instructions. Launder in the warmest water recommended for fabric. Do not let dry on garment.
  4. To refilll, unscrew cap and pour re?ll size liquid into trigger bottle. RESOLVE® laundry stain remover may be used with bleach or other laundry additives. Do not use on wool, silk, khaki, leather or fluorescent clothing.

Mode d´emploi : 

  1. Tourner l´embout à la position de vaporisation. 
  2. Vaporiser directement sur la tache en imbibant le tissu. Frotter pour faire pénétrer le détachant pour la lessive RESOLVE MD dans le tissu, en couvrant complètement la tache.
  3. Attendre de 1 à 5 minutes selon la nature de la tache. Puis, laver le vêtement conformément aux instructions de lavage indiquées sur l’étiquette. Laver à la température d´eau la plus chaude recommandée pour le tissu. Ne pas laisser sécher le produit sur le vêtement.
  4. Pour remplir le vaporisateur, dévisser le bouchon de la recharge et verser le contenu de celle-ci dans le vaporisateur. Le détachant pour la lessive RESOLVE MD peut être utilisé avec un javellisant ou tout autre additif pour la lessive. Ne pas utiliser sur la laine, la soie, le cuir et les tissus de couleur kaki ou fluorescente.
Claims listed within SmartLabel™ are either governed by entities such as the USDA, FDA, EPA, etc. or defined by participating brands.

Item Benefits / Features

 Safe for all colourfast washables and works in all temperatures.  Removes even dried in stains.

 S’utilise sans risque avec tous les tissus grand teint et est efficace même à basse température. Élimine même les taches séchées.

Resolve Oxi-Action® with  Powerlift TM is specially formulated  with powerful stain fighting ingredients that penetrate., loosen and eliminate the toughest stains like red wine, coffee, greasy foods, grass, tomato sauce, and a wide variety of others. 


La formule spéciale de Resolve Oxi-Action MD avec Powerlift MC contient des détachants puissants qui pénètrent, délogent et éliminent les taches les plus tenaces, comme les taches de vin rouge, de café, d’aliments graisseux, d´herbe, de sauce tomate, et bien d’autres.